i didn’t like this week very much…

March 7th, 2021

it was stressful, but boring at the same time

The beginning of the week started out okay. I was finishing up the project, feeling good about it.

After I turned it in, I immediately had to start working on my coding lab again. Remember last time when it took 25 hours to complete? Well, that one worked, and I got a very high grade on it! This one took probably closer to 30. And it also was not working correctly when I turned it in at 11:56 pm.

So, that was definitely a damper to the week.

I’ve had a cough, stuffy nose, and headache for almost 2 weeks now. I’ve gotten tested for covid twice and both were negative. I’m going again tomorrow, but I don’t think that’s what it is. I’ve been taking Dayquil and Nyquil, but it’s only been helping a little. Not fun.

I guess there was an upside...

Because of the Nyquil I’ve been taking before bed, I’ve been having the weirdest dreams. Some of them felt so real and woke me up feeling sooooooooo very confused. I kind of like it, because it’s like I’m entering an alternate reality. But some of the dreams have been scary as well as realist, which isn’t always fun. Overall, I’m happy about the dreams because I think they’re fun.


I know there’s a lot of people that already do this, but listen to me when I say


And by this, I mean as soon as you wake up from a weird dream, open your notes app on your phone, use the microphone talk to text feature, and explain your dream to your notes. I’ve been doing this for a while now. Sometimes when I randomly open my notes, I am very surprised at the dreams I found. It’s become kind of habitual that I forget when I write things down, it just happens naturally. 10/10 recommend, good for a laugh.

Weekly quote:

“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.”
-Eleanor Roosevelt