it's coming down to the end...

February 26th, 2021

projects are due in only 4 days.

But this project feels different. In the past when the due date starts coming around for projects, I get all worried and stressed. For this one, I’m feeling more excited and intrigued.

here are some things I like:

here are some things I don't like:

Overall, I’m feeling pretty confident and I’m excited to go further. All I have left is to incorporate links and filling in some text. I also want to add some more cool responsive things, but those are finishing touches.

Besides school stuff, my week has been pretty boring. I came home from a couple days at Penn State (booooo), took a couple naps, and stressed over my coding lab (not even close to finishing). I also went to the grocery store which was fun. My fridge was completely empty so it was almost like starting my overall diet from scratch.

I tried pickles for the first time last week.

New foods that I don’t usually get that I did this time: jar of pickles, old-fashioned oats, oranges, salmon, hot dogs (idk?).

Anyways, here’s the quote of the week:

“One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well.”
-Virginia Woolf